The Value of Meeting in Person

As we live in a world dominated by technology and virtual communication, it is often easy to forget the benefits of face-to-face interactions, and as a potential investor, you know that it is critical to choose the right company to partner with. When dealing with a property investment company, it is advisable to have personal meetings to build trust, gain insight, and establish strong business relationships. Meeting in person also provides an opportunity to build relationships with the team. This personal connection can help investors feel more comfortable entrusting their money to the company. Additionally, getting to know the people behind the company  gives investors a chance to learn more about the company's mission, values, and investment strategy.  Meeting with the consultants face to face shows that the company takes pride in its transparency and believes that communication is key to a successful partnership.

Lets delve into the benefits of meeting in person when dealing with property investment companies and why it is essential to see their offices, staff, and other departments.

Seeing Their Offices:

Meeting the staff in a company's physical office environment helps you better understand the business culture, which ultimately plays an essential role in the overall business performance. Visiting the company's office and facilities provides you with a first-hand view of the company's resources and professionalism. Additionally, meeting the staff at the office also allows you to get an in-depth understanding of how they operate, how they approach their work, and how they engage with customers. By doing this, you will have a good idea of the level of service and quality that the property investment company can offer you.

Meeting the Staff:

It is essential to meet with staff members at all levels of a property investment company to build lasting relationships. Whether you are meeting the CEO, directors, accountants, or even interns, having face-to-face conversations is an excellent way to establish rapport and open channels of communication. Through this process, you will learn about their experience, what drives their motivation, and how they contribute to the success of the company. This knowledge will provide valuable insights into their approach, competence, and overall ability to deliver services and customer satisfaction.

Meeting Other People in Other Departments:

One of the key advantages of meeting a property investment company's staff is having access to their vast network of connections and partners. You will not only be introduced to other members of the property investment team but also other professionals in various industries who collaborate with the company. These people can provide referrals, recommend contractors and suppliers, or even help you with the property acquisition process. Furthermore, interacting with people in different departments provides valuable insights into how different aspects of the company are interconnected and the various processes that support property investment success.

For example, here at Residential Estates, our short let holiday and corporate let team work very closely with the investment and sourcing team, providing up to date figures and advice when sourcing and selling those types of investment.

It’s worth pointing out that meeting in person doesn’t have to mean actually driving to the offices, see if they can meet with you in a coffee shop, or at a particular development.  Alternatively with virtual communication then ‘meet’ on-line, rather than speaking on the phone.

In conclusion, meeting in person can offer numerous benefits for clients and businesses. Visiting the office can provide insight into the company culture and resources, meeting staff members can help build lasting relationships, and networking with other people in other departments provides a wider business perspective. Whether you're looking for a long-term partnership or a one-off transaction, meeting in person should be a key consideration to ensure that you receive quality and trustworthy services.

If you would like to arrange a meeting with one of our team, whether its investment related or short term lets, please complete the form below:


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